Motherhood Mentor

Helping you find joy in your everyday parenting

by identifying & prioritizing what matters most for your unique family situation.

Welcome! I ’m Selena

Certified Health Coach, Parent, and Educator.

I help you break free from all the “shoulds” so you can let go of what doesn’t work for your family to discover and embrace what does.

This may include breaking up with hustle culture, perfectionism, and people pleasing, which often drive us to have unrealistically high expectations of what makes us a “good” mom.

Finding joy in parenting requires you to honor authenticity - for yourself and for your children.

Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we're supposed to be and instead embracing who we are.

—Brené Brown

The Parent Authentically Program is for you if…

There is no way to be a perfect mother,
but a million ways to be a good one.

—Jill Churchill

Together we’ll identify

Client Testimonials

This program may not be for you if…

  • You are struggling with severe PPD or PPA and need a diagnosis and/or medication (see your Dr. or a Therapist)

  • You want a quick, easy fix

  • You don’t believe that your wellbeing and your child’s are connected

  • You want someone to tell you exactly what to do